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Unlocking the Power of Your Archives: Introducing Easy-Edit Archive Templates

Tired of rushed content and delays? Say goodbye to missed audience engagement with this new approach.
June 19, 2024
Unlocking the Power of Your Archives: Introducing Easy-Edit Archive Templates

Picture this—your organization's digital archives, brimming with forgotten stories and captivating visuals, are like an unexplored treasure trove.

Each video clip, still frame, photograph, and graphic holds the potential to connect with your audience in profound ways.

But the reality for many Public Information Officers (PIOs) and marketing managers is often different. Buried under the weight of deadlines, limited resources, and the constant demand for fresh content, these archives often remain untapped, their potential unrealized.

The stakes are high. An underutilized archive isn't just a missed opportunity; it's a drain on resources and a barrier to effective communication.

When valuable assets remain hidden, your organization misses out on the chance to deepen engagement, tell richer stories, and connect with your audience on a more meaningful level.

The Challenges of Modern Communication

PIOs and marketing managers are tasked with crafting compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences (even non-residents) across multiple platforms.

Yet, the tools at their disposal often fall short...

Outdated software, clunky interfaces, and siloed data make it difficult to locate specific assets within vast archives. The result? Precious time wasted searching for the right animation, image, or video clip, leading to rushed decisions and missed opportunities.

Classic meme about not having a graphic designer written in MS paint. There's always a better solution...
By now, most people have seen this viral ad for a graphic designer. With our services, you no longer need to wait for one. Most wish list items can be crossed off by using historical archives.

Many organizations don't have in-house designers, leaving PIOs and marketing managers stuck with generic templates or burdened with the time-consuming process of outsourcing design work. While they're busy managing contracts and schedules, opportunities for genuine audience connection slip away.

A New Era of Storytelling with Goodsides

Enter our Easy-Edit Archive Templates—a new service designed to address these challenges head-on.

Our templates are more than just pre-designed layouts. They go beyond the Canva file; they are the keys to a new era of storytelling, where your archives become the foundation for compelling visual content that drives engagement, fosters connection, and amplifies your impact.

With Goodsides, you can:

  • Effortlessly Breathe New Life into Existing Assets: Transform old photos, drone shots, animations, videos, and graphics into fresh, dynamic content that resonates with modern audiences.
  • Streamline Content Creation: Create informational CTAs in minutes with intuitive interfaces you already use (e.g., Canva or Visme). The visuals we've created will back up your text like a sidekick.
  • Tell Richer, More Compelling Stories: Leverage the historical context and emotional resonance of your archives to create narratives that truly connect with your audience.
  • Save Time and Resources: Eliminate the need for costly new productions by repurposing existing assets. Also, breathe life into historical content you've already worked so hard preserving.
A repurposed graphic that says "Every archive has a story (to repost)" to introduce our archive service
We think this is true... That every archive has a story to repost. That you can repost media from 10-20-30 years ago with the right context and strategy in mind.

Join the Archive Revolution

Don't let your archives remain hidden in the shadows. It's time to unleash their full potential and captivate your audience with stories that matter.

Embrace the power of storytelling. Embrace the power of your archives.

Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how our Easy-Edit Archive Templates can transform your content strategy and unlock a world of possibilities.