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Harnessing Sensitive Topics and Storytelling for Effective Healthcare Video Production

Sensitive storytelling in healthcare video production builds trust, fosters engagement, and drives impact. Embrace authenticity for impactful results.
August 13, 2024
Harnessing Sensitive Topics and Storytelling for Effective Healthcare Video Production

While glossy commercials and picture-perfect imagery certainly have their place in healthcare marketing, there's a growing need for a more authentic approach.

Audiences are increasingly craving genuine connections and stories that resonate on a deeper level, pushing healthcare video production to move beyond the surface and embrace the transformative power of sensitive storytelling.

The Rise of Raw Emotion: Why Sensitive Stories Matter

Sensitive storytelling in healthcare ventures beyond the surface and instead wrestles with the complexities of the human experience. It's about showcasing the raw emotions, vulnerabilities, and triumphs that define the patient journey. It's about capturing the unwavering dedication of healthcare providers, the resilience of families, and the hope that fuels the fight against illness.

Think of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's heart-wrenching yet inspiring stories of young cancer patients. Or the powerful documentaries that shed light on the opioid epidemic, revealing the devastating impact on individuals and communities.

These narratives go beyond statistics and medical jargon, forging an emotional connection that traditional healthcare marketing simply can't replicate.

Man in wheelchair is given empathy by male clinician
Visually showing empathy to patients (even on-screen actors) while they wait to be discharged is extremely effective for improving/boosting brand perception.

The Impact of Sensitive Storytelling: Data-Driven Results

The power of sensitive storytelling isn't just anecdotal; it's backed by compelling data:

  • Trust and Engagement: According to a 2023 study by Edelman, 60% of consumers say they choose, switch, avoid or boycott a brand based on its stand on societal issues. Sensitive storytelling demonstrates your brand's commitment to empathy and understanding, building trust and fostering deeper engagement.
  • Brand Perception: A 2020 study by Sprout Social revealed that 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them emotionally. Sensitive stories evoke empathy and compassion, creating a positive brand perception that sets you apart from the competition.
  • Awareness and Advocacy: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a prime example of how sensitive storytelling can raise awareness and drive advocacy. The viral campaign, which featured videos of people pouring ice water over their heads, generated over $115 million in donations and significantly increased awareness of ALS.
  • Improved Communication: Complex medical information can be overwhelming. Sensitive storytelling simplifies these concepts, making them more accessible and relatable. Think of the animated explainer videos that break down intricate medical procedures or the patient testimonials that humanize clinical trial data.
  • Emotional Connection: A 2021 study by the Content Marketing Institute found that 82% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content. Sensitive stories tap into the power of emotion, forging a lasting connection with your audience.
Using animation rather than showing patients can be effective in certain instances like with dementia.

Navigating the Nuances: Sensitive Storytelling Done Right

While sensitive storytelling offers immense potential, it requires careful navigation. Healthcare is a deeply personal and often vulnerable space, and it's crucial to handle sensitive topics with respect, empathy, and authenticity.

  • Prioritize Consent and Confidentiality: Always obtain informed consent from individuals featured in your videos, and protect their privacy throughout the production process.
  • Avoid Exploitation and Sensationalism: Sensitive stories should be handled with dignity and respect, never exploited for shock value or commercial gain.
  • Embrace Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure your stories represent a wide range of patient experiences and perspectives, reflecting the diversity of your community.
  • Partner with Experts: Collaborate with healthcare professionals, patient advocates, and experienced storytellers to ensure accuracy, sensitivity, and cultural competence.

Goodsides: Your Partner in Crafting Authentic Narratives

At Goodsides, we understand the transformative power of sensitive storytelling in healthcare video production. Our team of seasoned filmmakers, storytellers, and healthcare professionals is dedicated to crafting narratives that resonate, inspire, and connect.

We prioritize collaboration, empathy, and authenticity, ensuring that every story we tell is handled with the utmost care and respect.


In today's healthcare landscape, sensitive storytelling is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. It's about forging genuine connections, fostering empathy, and inspiring action. It's about going beyond the surface and revealing the heart of healthcare.

If you're ready to embrace the power of sensitive storytelling and elevate your healthcare video production to new heights, Goodsides' video experts are here to guide you. Let's tell stories that matter.