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Embracing the Connect-By-Video Era: A Necessity for Social Sector Organizations

The rules of engagement have changed. Are you ready for the Connect-By-Video Era? Your mission's impact depends on it.
May 31, 2024
Embracing the Connect-By-Video Era: A Necessity for Social Sector Organizations

What is the Connect-By-Video Era?

Welcome to the "Connect-By-Video Era," a transformative period defined by Goodsides as a time when video content has become an indispensable tool for social sector organizations.

In this era, videos have replaced traditional grassroots efforts and multiple full-time employees, becoming a vital part of any strategy to engage and mobilize communities. As attention spans shrink and the digital landscape evolves, a 1-minute video that can spur action is pure gold. Fundraising dollars remain the ultimate metric of success, and the ability to connect emotionally and authentically through video is paramount.

How Do We Know We're in This Era?

The signs of this new era are all around us, transforming how we connect and communicate:

Shift in Audience Behavior

People are consuming more video content than ever before. According to HubSpot, 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. This shift is even more pronounced on social media, where platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok prioritize video content.

Statista reports that the average person will spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos this year, up from 84 minutes in 2020.

Imagine this: a single video of a heartfelt testimonial from a beneficiary can reach thousands within hours, evoking emotions and driving action in ways that text alone often cannot. This shift isn't just about numbers; it's about the profound impact that visual storytelling has on our ability to connect and empathize with others.

Having highly sharable and re-watchable videos on your social platform is possible and available today. Doesn't matter if you're a city government or community college.

Increased Engagement

Videos generate more engagement than other types of content. Research from Wyzowl shows that people are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other type of content. For social sector organizations, this means greater reach and impact.

Additionally, Insivia states that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.

Consider the viral nature of a compelling video. A powerful clip showcasing a community project can inspire viewers to share it with their networks, exponentially increasing its reach. This organic sharing not only amplifies your message but also builds a community of advocates who are passionate about your cause.

Fundraising Efficacy

Videos have proven to be powerful fundraising tools. A report by Classy highlights that campaigns with videos raise 105% more than those without. This underscores the importance of integrating video into fundraising strategies.

Nonprofits Source also found that nonprofits using videos in their fundraising campaigns experience a 57% increase in online donations.
The data shows that testimonials and the stories of individuals are best told through the video medium.

Take, for example, a nonprofit organization that created a series of videos highlighting the stories of individuals they have helped. These videos, shared across social media and embedded in email campaigns, resulted in a significant uptick in donations. Donors were moved by the personal stories and felt more connected to the cause, demonstrating the undeniable power of video in driving financial support.

Do I Need to Change My Current Video Strategy?

If you're responsible for marketing communications (MARCOM) or are positioned as a Public Information Officer (PIO) in a social sector organization, you may wonder if you need to adjust your video strategy. The answer is a resounding Yes!. Here’s why:

Evolving Trends

Video trends are constantly evolving. Staying updated with the latest trends ensures your content remains relevant and engaging.

For instance, live streaming and vertical videos are becoming increasingly popular, with Cisco predicting that live internet video will account for 17% of internet video traffic by the end of this year.

Imagine hosting a live Q&A session with your organization’s leadership, where supporters can ask questions in real-time. This type of engagement not only builds transparency but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience. By embracing new formats and staying ahead of trends, you can keep your content fresh and engaging.

Increased Competition

As more organizations recognize the power of video, the digital space becomes more crowded. Standing out requires innovative and high-quality video content.

YouTube reports that over 500 hours of video are uploaded to its platform every minute, highlighting the need for distinctive content.

Think about the countless videos that compete for attention every day.

To stand out, your videos need to offer something unique—whether it’s a fresh perspective, high production quality, or a compelling narrative that resonates deeply with viewers.

Creativity and authenticity are key to capturing and maintaining your audience’s interest.

Technological Advancements

Advances in video production technology mean that what worked a few years ago might not be as effective today. Leveraging new tools and techniques can enhance your storytelling capabilities. The rise of 4K video and VR/AR technologies offer new ways to engage and immerse audiences.

Consider using drones to capture breathtaking aerial shots of your project sites or employing 360-degree video to give viewers an immersive tour of your facilities. These technological advancements can transform how you tell your story, making it more dynamic and engaging.

Emotional connection through video is how one can really start to scale engagement and community support.

Quick Tips/Strategies/Concepts That Work in This New Era

Emotional Storytelling

Craft stories that evoke strong emotions such as hope, empathy, and inspiration. Personal stories and testimonials humanize your cause and make it more relatable.

  • Example: Highlight the journey of an individual positively impacted by your organization, showcasing their struggles and triumphs. Picture a video where a once-homeless individual describes how your organization helped them find stability and hope. Their heartfelt words and genuine gratitude can move viewers to tears, inspiring them to support your cause.

Community-Focused Narratives

Showcase community involvement and successes. This not only highlights your organization’s impact but also fosters a sense of collective responsibility.

  • Example: Create videos of community events or volunteer stories to illustrate the tangible benefits of your work. Imagine a montage of smiling volunteers, bustling community events, and the tangible improvements brought about by your initiatives. Such visuals can instill a sense of pride and encourage more people to get involved.

Impact Stories with Tangible Outcomes

Combine personal stories with data and statistics to provide a compelling narrative supported by evidence.

  • Example: Share before-and-after stories that visually demonstrate the positive changes brought about by your organization’s efforts. For instance, a video could start with a rundown community space and then transition to the same space after renovation, filled with happy children and community members. Accompany this transformation with statistics about increased community engagement and reduced crime rates.

Positive and Inspirational Content

Focus on uplifting stories that celebrate achievements and milestones. Positive content is more likely to be shared and can motivate viewers to get involved. Or better yet, showcase an inspirational art exhibition with in-depth artist BTS and "in-the-making" footage!

  • Example: Feature success stories and testimonials from beneficiaries and volunteers. Picture a video celebrating the graduation of students from a program you support, with each graduate sharing their dreams and aspirations. Such uplifting content can inspire viewers to contribute to furthering these success stories.

Strategic Storytelling

Ensure each video has a clear purpose and a strong call to action. Guide viewers on how they can contribute, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word.

  • Example: End your videos with direct links to donation pages or volunteer sign-up forms. Visualize a powerful closing shot of a video with a call-to-action overlay: “Join us in making a difference. Donate now!” accompanied by an easy-to-click link.

Video Production Methods That Capture Audiences in This New Era

Short, Engaging Clips

Given the average attention span, shorter videos (under two minutes) are more likely to be watched in full and shared.

  • Example: Create concise, impactful videos tailored for social media platforms. Think of a 60-second video featuring quick interviews with beneficiaries and stunning visuals of your work in action. These snippets can captivate viewers and prompt them to learn more.
Our production from the LA County Library project, which showed the life of a typical volunteer in a documentary style.

Documentary-Style Videos

For more in-depth storytelling, documentary-style videos provide authenticity and depth. These are ideal for detailed donor reports and educational purposes.

  • Example: Produce a mini-documentary showcasing a project from start to finish, highlighting the challenges and successes. Imagine a 10-minute video following the journey of a community project, from its inception to its completion, with candid interviews and real-time footage that capture the essence of your mission.

Animated Explainers

Use animations to simplify complex issues and make them accessible. Animated videos are engaging and can effectively convey detailed information.

  • Example: Create animated videos explaining your organization's mission and the issues you address. Picture a colorful, animated explainer that breaks down complex social issues into understandable segments, making it easier for viewers to grasp the importance of your work.
Viewers want to explore and experience something new yet relatable, especially in a new space.

Interactive Videos

Engage viewers through interactive content where they can make choices or participate in the narrative. This personalized experience can increase engagement and retention.

  • Example: Develop interactive campaigns where viewers can choose different outcomes or explore various aspects of your work. Imagine a video where viewers can click to learn more about specific projects, volunteer opportunities, or success stories, creating a personalized and engaging experience.

A Significant Shift

The "Connect-By-Video Era" represents a significant shift in how social sector organizations engage with their audiences.

By embracing emotional storytelling, community-focused narratives, and strategic video production methods, organizations can effectively capture attention, inspire action, and drive impact.

At Goodsides, we are committed to helping you navigate this new era with innovative and compelling video content that makes a difference. Our expertise in creating powerful narratives, backed by robust customer support and a commitment to social equity and community contribution, ensures that your message resonates with the people who matter most.

Embrace the power of video today to connect, engage, and make a lasting impact. Imagine the possibilities when your stories come to life through the vibrant and dynamic medium of video.

Contact us today to explore video concepts that could set your social sector organization apart in this new era.