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Direct or Delegate? Quiz for PIOs on Video Production Strategy

Public Information Officers: Take Goodsides' 'Direct or Delegate?' quiz to discover if in-house or outsourced video production best suits your agency's needs.
September 13, 2024
Direct or Delegate? Quiz for PIOs on Video Production Strategy

Public Information Officers (PIOs) are the key communicators for government agencies, responsible for shaping public perception and disseminating critical information. With video becoming an essential tool in public outreach, PIOs face the constant challenge of deciding whether to produce video content in-house or outsource to professional video services.

To help PIOs make informed decisions, Goodsides has launched a new interactive quiz: "Direct or Delegate?"

This quiz walks PIOs through various scenarios, asking a series of questions to determine whether they should handle video production internally or partner with an experienced production team like Goodsides.

Quiz screenshot of welcome screen
Screenshot from the quiz.

Why Video Production Decisions Are Crucial for PIOs

Video content now accounts for over 82% of all online traffic in 2024, and government agencies are increasingly utilizing it to communicate policies, community updates, and emergency information. The decision to produce video in-house or outsource significantly impacts several critical factors:

  • Quality of Content: Professionally produced videos often outperform in-house content, with studies showing a 30% higher engagement rate for professionally crafted video.
  • Budget Allocation: Outsourcing to a professional video production company can reduce the hidden costs associated with in-house production, like equipment purchases and training, which can account for up to 20% of annual departmental spending.
  • Time Management: Government PIOs juggle numerous responsibilities. Handling video in-house can consume an average of 40% of a PIO's working hours—hours that could be spent on broader communication strategies.
  • Focus on Core Responsibilities: PIOs are strategic communicators, not necessarily videographers. Delegating to professionals can allow them to refocus on media relations, crisis management, and policy development.

Introducing the "Direct or Delegate?" Quiz

Our "Direct or Delegate?" quiz is designed for Public Information Officers who need to evaluate their video production strategy. By providing realistic scenarios and multiple-choice questions, the quiz allows PIOs to assess whether their current setup for video production is the most efficient or if outsourcing would yield better results.

Key Takeaways from the Quiz:

  • Assessing In-House Capabilities: Do you have the right team and tools to deliver high-quality, professional-grade videos?
  • Understanding Resource Management: Could outsourcing free up your staff to focus on other pressing communication tasks?
  • Recognizing When to Outsource: Are there moments when working with a professional team, like Goodsides, would save time and improve video outcomes?
  • Aligning Video with Strategic Goals: How does video production tie into your broader communication strategy, and how can external help enhance that?

Key Considerations for PIOs: In-House vs. Outsourced Video Production

When it comes to video production strategies for Public Information Officers, there are numerous factors to consider. PIOs must decide whether handling video production in-house is a cost-effective and efficient solution or if outsourcing to professional services will yield better results. This decision depends on several key elements, such as the available budget, the complexity of the video content, and the internal team's technical expertise. While some PIOs may find that their staff can handle basic video production tasks, more complex projects may benefit from the professional video services offered by companies like Goodsides.

Understanding the benefits of outsourcing video production for government agencies can make a significant difference in communication efforts. Outsourcing allows PIOs to tap into the expertise of dedicated video production teams who are skilled in creating high-quality content that resonates with audiences. Not only does this free up time for PIOs to focus on their core responsibilities, but it also ensures that the final product is polished and engaging, ultimately enhancing public engagement. In fact, many government agencies that choose to outsource see improved video performance metrics and higher levels of community interaction.

One of the key considerations for PIOs is the cost of in-house vs. outsourced video production. While in-house production may seem less expensive at first glance, hidden costs can quickly add up. Equipment purchases, training, and time spent on production often outweigh the initial savings.

On the other hand, outsourcing video production can streamline the process, reduce costs over time, and produce higher-quality results with fewer internal resources required. For PIOs managing video content creation for government communications, outsourcing may prove to be a more efficient and strategic choice.

For many Public Information Officers, knowing when to outsource video production is essential for managing resources effectively. If a project requires advanced technical skills, tight deadlines, or creative direction that goes beyond the capabilities of the internal team, outsourcing can ensure the project stays on track without compromising quality. Additionally, working with a professional video team allows government departments to keep up with the latest trends and best practices in video production, ensuring that their content is both modern and effective.

In short, the decision between outsourcing vs. in-house video production depends on the unique needs of each PIO and their agency’s goals.

By weighing factors like budget, timelines, and expertise, PIOs can craft a video strategy that best serves their communication objectives while maximizing engagement with the public.

Real-World Data: In-House vs. Outsourcing Video Production

According to recent data, 76% of government agencies have produced video content in-house. However, only 32% reported being highly satisfied with the quality, citing lack of expertise and limited production resources as the key challenges. In contrast, agencies that outsource video production report a 45% increase in video engagement rates and a 28% improvement in project completion times.

How the Quiz Works

  1. Answer Scenario-Based Questions: The quiz presents questions based on real-world challenges PIOs face in managing video content.
  2. Receive a Personalized Score: At the end, you'll receive a score and insight into your ideal approach to video production.
  3. Discover Your PIO Video Production Type: Whether you're a hands-on director or a strategic delegator, you'll get tailored advice based on your score.

Benefits of Taking the Quiz

  • Objective Evaluation: Gain clarity on whether in-house production or outsourcing is the best path for your team.
  • Strategic Resource Allocation: Learn how to optimize your department’s budget and personnel for maximum impact.
  • Improved Communication Outcomes: By aligning your video strategy with professional standards, you’ll enhance audience engagement and public trust.
  • Tailored Insights: Get specific recommendations based on your organization’s unique needs and resources.

Ready to Optimize Your Video Production Strategy?

With video becoming an increasingly vital component of public outreach, now is the time to ensure your approach aligns with best practices. Whether you're exploring ways to improve your in-house capabilities or are considering outsourcing, the "Direct or Delegate?" quiz offers actionable insights to help you make the right decision.

Take the Quiz Now

About Goodsides

Goodsides is a leading provider of video production services tailored for Public Information Officers and government agencies. We help government communicators deliver high-quality, engaging video content that resonates with communities and elevates public communication strategies.

  • Professional video production for government agencies
  • Expertise in community engagement through video
  • Customized video content creation for Public Information Officers

Contact Us

For further insights on your quiz results or to explore how Goodsides can help elevate your agency’s video production, get in touch with us.

By optimizing your video production strategy, you'll not only improve public engagement but also free up valuable resources, allowing you to focus on what really matters—effective communication with your community. Take the quiz and discover your ideal video production approach today.